of Chief of NGO «Yakutia — Our Opinion» Stepan Petrov
to Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban,
President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping
on the issue of assistance in ending the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in
the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia
Sequence numbers are indicated in accordance with
the registry of foreign agents of the Ministry of Justice of Russia
To the Prime Minister of Hungary
Viktor Orban
Dear Mr. Prime Minister of Hungary!
Currently, the war between Ukraine and Russia continues.
I, Stepan Petrov as a Head of Subject of international law — Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council stand for an end to the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I note Your active peacekeeping activities in resolving the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I ask You to assist in ending the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, including the Turkic peoples.
Hungary is the only country in the European Union that has taken a course towards close cooperation with the Turkic countries and has entered the Organization of Turkic States as an observer.
You formulated that “Hungarians are Kipchak Turks, and Hungary is the land of Christian Turks.”
Hungary’s trade turnover with Turkic states exceeded 5 billion dollars.
Hungary is an outpost of the Turkic world in Europe.
I express my gratitude to You for Your comprehensive support of the Turkic peoples.
I, Stepan Petrov am a representative of the Turkic people of Sakha, living in the north-eastern part of Eurasia.
In the region of my origin — the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) — such negative phenomena as poverty, unemployment, homelessness, alcoholism, corruption, arbitrariness and lawlessness are widespread.
A significant portion of the population of Yakutia is in debt bondage.
Many Yakuts have no jobs or any prospects in life.
Poverty, unemployment and hopelessness force them to go to war.
But war cannot be considered a good deed and a worthy way of earning money, since it brings death.
Killing or being killed for money is not a normal way of life.
Even without war, poverty and corruption, it would be very difficult to live in Yakutia due to:
— harsh climatic conditions, when the air temperature in winter reaches minus 50-60 degrees Celsius;
— the lack of infrastructure and transport accessibility of Yakutia, the largest region of Russia, which is 5 times the size of France, 10 times the size of Italy or almost 13 times the size of Great Britain.
Basically, residents of poor regions and national republics, where poverty and unemployment prevail, are sent to fight in Ukraine.
The death of the only breadwinner condemns the family to poverty and survival.
It is especially hard for residents of rural areas, depressed regions of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East.
For example, in the village, the life support and care of livestock lies with the head of the family. If he dies in the war, the foundations of the family’s existence are simply destroyed.
In the harsh climatic conditions of Yakutia and other northern territories of Russia, the question of the physical extinction of the family from cold, hunger and disease arises.
The death and disability of men of working age will lead Russia to an economic crisis and the extinction of entire territories.
There are about 2000 nations in the world. More than 190 nations live in Russia, that is, about 1/10 of all the nations of the world, which include indigenous peoples and autochthonous nations.
Indigenous peoples of Russia are suffering the greatest losses in the war in Ukraine.
Not in absolute terms, but in relative terms, since their numbers are much smaller than the number of Russians.
The level of loss among indigenous peoples threatens their existence and could lead to their extinction.
In the fall of 2022, there was a mass mobilization of indigenous peoples of Russia from the national republics, especially from rural areas.
They were later sent to fight in Ukraine.
The mass deaths of indigenous peoples of Russia in the war in Ukraine are becoming a key factor in their depopulation.
Depopulation of indigenous peoples will lead to extinction — disappearance (physical death) of a number of indigenous peoples of Russia.
Each nation is a whole world, the socio-cultural space of which enriches the diversity of the entire world.
This is an infinitely reproducible socio-cultural, humanitarian matrix of knowledge, experience and heritage of the people, the bearer and driving force of which are only living representatives of the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the foundation of human civilization – indigenous peoples, regardless of their numbers and place of residence.
* * * * *
Dear Mr. Prime Minister of Hungary!
I, Stepan Petrov ask You to influence and convince the President of Russia V.V. Putin to agree on the Initiative to stop the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
This initiative envisages the creation of a new International Institute — the Commissioner on Elimination of Participation of Indigenous Representatives in Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the beginning of work on the return of representatives of indigenous peoples of Russia from the war in Ukraine.
The initiative is based on the implementation of the principle of “Frozen assets of Russia in exchange for the lives of representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia.”
The initiative is available in electronic form here http://ouropinion.pro/?page_id=602
It is also available as an app.
In exchange for Your assistance, I guarantee to provide You with all possible assistance in the development of your country.
I will use all my lobbying potential and call on all international actors interested in supporting indigenous peoples to assist You, and appropriate comprehensive work will be carried out with them.
Possible areas of assistance may include:
-reduction of payments and fees to international organizations and interstate associations in which Hungary participates;
-allocation of carbon credits — Kyoto units (permits for carbon dioxide emissions);
-providing priority access to financial resources of the International Monetary Fund and other institutions under the jurisdiction of the UN;
-revision of Hungary’s quota for accepting refugees.
You can also indicate your preferred type of assistance.
I ask you to instruct the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct preliminary negotiations and consultations on this issue.
My official visit to Geneva is expected soon and our direct interaction can be organized on the basis of the Hungarian Diplomatic Mission in Geneva.
I am also ready to come to the capital of Your country – Budapest.
* * * * *
To the President of Turkey
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Dear Mr. President of Turkey!
Currently, the war between Ukraine and Russia continues.
I, Stepan Petrov, as a Head of Subject of international law — Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council stand for an end to the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I note Your active peacekeeping activities in resolving the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I ask You to assist in ending the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, including the Turkic peoples.
Türkiye is one of the main founders and leader of the Organization of Turkic States.
Your country is the leading representative of the interests of Turkic states and peoples throughout the world.
I, Stepan Petrov am a representative of the Turkic people of Sakha, living in the north-eastern part of Eurasia.
In the early 1990s, Türkiye established direct relations with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in a wide range of areas: international relations, trade, education, culture.
Mutually beneficial foreign trade was established. High-quality goods and products, equipment and household appliances were supplied from Turkey to Yakutia.
Representatives of the cultural and creative intelligentsia of both countries attended Yakut and Turkish events to develop culture, art and literature, and preserve the spiritual traditions and heritage of related Turkic peoples.
A large number of students from Yakutia received high-quality higher education at Turkish universities, which became an impetus for the development of the republic in various fields.
I express my gratitude to You for your comprehensive support of the Turkic peoples, including the Sakha people.
But at present, in the region of my origin — the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), such negative phenomena as poverty, unemployment, homelessness, alcoholism, corruption, arbitrariness and lawlessness are widespread.
A significant portion of the population of Yakutia is in debt bondage.
Many Yakuts have no jobs or any prospects in life.
Poverty, unemployment and hopelessness force them to go to war.
But war cannot be considered a good deed and a worthy way of earning money, since it brings death.
Killing or being killed for money is not a normal way of life.
Even without war, poverty and corruption, it would be very difficult to live in Yakutia due to:
— harsh climatic conditions, when the air temperature in winter reaches minus 50-60 degrees Celsius;
— the lack of infrastructure and transport accessibility of Yakutia, the largest region of Russia, which is 5 times the size of France, 10 times the size of Italy or almost 13 times the size of Great Britain.
Basically, residents of poor regions and national republics, where poverty and unemployment prevail, are sent to fight in Ukraine.
The death of the only breadwinner condemns the family to poverty and survival.
It is especially hard for residents of rural areas, depressed regions of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East.
For example, in the village, the life support and care of livestock lies with the head of the family. If he dies in the war, the foundations of the family’s existence are simply destroyed.
In the harsh climatic conditions of Yakutia and other northern territories of Russia, the question of the physical extinction of the family from cold, hunger and disease arises.
The death and disability of men of working age will lead Russia to an economic crisis and the extinction of entire territories.
There are about 2000 nations in the world. More than 190 nations live in Russia, that is, about 1/10 of all the nations of the world, which include indigenous peoples and autochthonous nations.
Indigenous peoples of Russia are suffering the greatest losses in the war in Ukraine.
Not in absolute terms, but in relative terms, since their numbers are much smaller than the number of Russians.
The level of loss among indigenous peoples threatens their existence and could lead to their extinction.
In the fall of 2022, there was a mass mobilization of indigenous peoples of Russia from the national republics, especially from rural areas.
They were later sent to fight in Ukraine.
The mass deaths of indigenous peoples of Russia in the war in Ukraine are becoming a key factor in their depopulation.
Depopulation of indigenous peoples will lead to extinction — disappearance (physical death) of a number of indigenous peoples of Russia.
Each nation is a whole world, the socio-cultural space of which enriches the diversity of the entire world.
This is an infinitely reproducible socio-cultural, humanitarian matrix of knowledge, experience and heritage of the people, the bearer and driving force of which are only living representatives of the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the foundation of human civilization – indigenous peoples, regardless of their numbers and place of residence.
* * * * *
Dear Mr. President of Turkey!
I, Stepan Petrov ask You to influence and convince the President of Russia V.V. Putin to agree on the Initiative to stop the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
This initiative envisages the creation of a new International Institute — the Commissioner on Elimination of Participation of Indigenous Representatives in Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the beginning of work on the return of representatives of indigenous peoples of Russia from the war in Ukraine.
The initiative is based on the implementation of the principle of “Frozen assets of Russia in exchange for the lives of representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia.”
The initiative is available in electronic form here http://ouropinion.pro/?page_id=602
It is also available as an app.
In exchange for Your assistance, I guarantee to provide You with all possible assistance in the development of Your country.
I will use all my lobbying potential and call on all international actors interested in supporting indigenous peoples to assist You, and appropriate comprehensive work will be carried out with them.
Possible areas of assistance may include:
-reduction of payments and fees to international organizations and interstate associations in which Türkiye participates;
-allocation of carbon credits — Kyoto units (permits for carbon dioxide emissions);
-providing priority access to financial resources of the International Monetary Fund and other institutions under the jurisdiction of the UN.
You can also indicate Your preferred type of assistance.
I ask you to instruct the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to conduct preliminary negotiations and consultations on this issue.
My official visit to Geneva is expected soon and our direct interaction can be organized on the basis of the Turkish Diplomatic Mission in Geneva.
I am also ready to come to the capital of Your country – Ankara.
* * * * *
To the Chairman of
People’s Republic of China
Xi Jinping
Dear Mr. Chairman
of People’s Republic of China!
Currently, the war between Ukraine and Russia continues.
I, Stepan Petrov, as a Head of Subject of international law — Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council stand for an end to the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I note Your active peacekeeping activities in resolving the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
I ask you to assist in ending the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, including the Turkic peoples.
China is a strategic partner of Russia.
Chinese investments are directed into various areas: energy, agriculture, transport and business infrastructure.
Russia and China are implementing 80 joint investment projects worth about 20 trillion rubles.
By the end of 2023, the volume of mutual trade exceeded 240 billion dollars.
I, Stepan Petrov am a representative of the Turkic people of Sakha, living in the north-eastern part of Eurasia, where China is also implementing a number of infrastructure and resource extraction projects.
In the region of my origin — the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) — such negative phenomena as poverty, unemployment, homelessness, alcoholism, corruption, arbitrariness and lawlessness are widespread.
A significant portion of the population of Yakutia is in debt bondage.
Many Yakuts have no jobs or any prospects in life.
Poverty, unemployment and hopelessness force them to go to war.
But war cannot be considered a good deed and a worthy way of earning money, since it brings death.
Killing or being killed for money is not a normal way of life.
Even without war, poverty and corruption, it would be very difficult to live in Yakutia due to:
— harsh climatic conditions, when the air temperature in winter reaches minus 50-60 degrees Celsius;
— the lack of infrastructure and transport accessibility of Yakutia, the largest region of Russia, which is 5 times the size of France, 10 times the size of Italy or almost 13 times the size of Great Britain.
Basically, residents of poor regions and national republics, where poverty and unemployment prevail, are sent to fight in Ukraine.
The death of the only breadwinner condemns the family to poverty and survival.
It is especially hard for residents of rural areas, depressed regions of the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East.
For example, in the village, the life support and care of livestock lies with the head of the family. If he dies in the war, the foundations of the family’s existence are simply destroyed.
In the harsh climatic conditions of Yakutia and other northern territories of Russia, the question of the physical extinction of the family from cold, hunger and disease arises.
The death and disability of men of working age will lead Russia to an economic crisis and the extinction of entire territories.
This will threaten the implementation of joint Chinese-Russian investment projects in the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East.
Representatives of indigenous peoples of Russia are involved in the work of life support facilities, the transport sector and other important sectors of these territories.
And in most cases they are simply irreplaceable, since only they are optimally adapted to the harsh conditions of these regions.
Thus, there will simply be no one to support the implementation of Chinese investment projects, since it will be difficult for non-local labor resources to adapt to the harsh natural and climatic conditions of life in the North, Siberia and the Russian Far East, unlike representatives of local indigenous peoples.
There are about 2000 nations in the world. More than 190 nations live in Russia, that is, about 1/10 of all the nations of the world, which include indigenous peoples and autochthonous nations.
Indigenous peoples of Russia are suffering the greatest losses in the war in Ukraine.
Not in absolute terms, but in relative terms, since their numbers are much smaller than the number of Russians.
The level of loss among indigenous peoples threatens their existence and could lead to their extinction.
In the fall of 2022, there was a mass mobilization of indigenous peoples of Russia from the national republics, especially from rural areas.
They were later sent to fight in Ukraine.
The mass deaths of indigenous peoples of Russia in the war in Ukraine are becoming a key factor in their depopulation.
Depopulation of indigenous peoples will lead to extinction — disappearance (physical death) of a number of indigenous peoples of Russia.
Each nation is a whole world, the socio-cultural space of which enriches the diversity of the entire world.
This is an infinitely reproducible socio-cultural, humanitarian matrix of knowledge, experience and heritage of the people, the bearer and driving force of which are only living representatives of the people.
Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the foundation of human civilization – indigenous peoples, regardless of their numbers and place of residence.
* * * * *
Dear Mr. Chairman
of People’s Republic of China!
I, Stepan Petrov, ask You to influence and convince the President of Russia V.V. Putin to agree on the Initiative to stop the participation of forcibly mobilized representatives of indigenous peoples in the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.
This initiative envisages the creation of a new International Institute – the Commissioner on Elimination of Participation of Indigenous Representatives in Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia and the beginning of work on the return of representatives of indigenous peoples of Russia from the war in Ukraine.
The initiative is based on the implementation of the principle of “Frozen assets of Russia in exchange for the lives of representatives of the indigenous peoples of Russia.”
The initiative is available in electronic form here http://ouropinion.pro/?page_id=602
It is also available as an app.
In exchange for Your assistance, I guarantee to provide You with all possible assistance in the development of Your country.
I will use all my lobbying potential and call on all international actors interested in supporting indigenous peoples to assist You, and appropriate comprehensive work will be carried out with them.
Possible areas of assistance may include:
-reduction of payments and fees to international organizations and interstate associations in which China participates;
-allocation of carbon credits — Kyoto units (permits for carbon dioxide emissions);
-providing priority access to financial resources of the International Monetary Fund and other institutions under the jurisdiction of the UN.
You can also indicate Your preferred type of assistance.
I ask You to instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China to conduct preliminary negotiations and consultations on this issue.
My official visit to Geneva is expected soon and our direct interaction can be organized on the basis of the Diplomatic Mission of China in Geneva.
I am also ready to come to the capital of Your country – Beijing.
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