Head of Subject of International Law –   

Non-Governmental Organization “Yakutia – Our Opinion”

Stepan Petrov has been appointed Ambassador of Global Peace

and is ready to stop the war between Ukraine and Russia


On the need to establish a new International Institution:

Special Representative in Zone of Armed Conflict between

Ukraine and Russia – Guarantor of the Ceasefire









Sequence numbers are indicated in accordance with

the registry of foreign agents of the Ministry of Justice of Russia


I, Stepan Petrov as a Head of Subject of international law — Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council stand for an end to the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia.


In order to coordinate peacekeeping initiatives of the UN and UN member states to resolve the armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia,

taking into account the intentions regarding the possibility of conducting a negotiation process, expressed by the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia,

in order to prevent the escalation of the conflict, which could lead to the breakdown of a possible negotiation process, the involvement of other countries in the armed conflict and the use of nuclear weapons

I, Stepan Petrov, Head of Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council 

propose to establish a new International Institution within the UN structure : Special Representative in Zone of Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia – Guarantor of the Ceasefire.


It is proposed to select candidates for this position from among independent civil activists — individuals who are least dependent on states and interstate associations.

I, Stepan Petrov, have been appointed Ambassador of Global Peace and am ready to offer my candidacy for the position of Special Representative.

The document of appointment of the Ambassador of Global Peace is here


This position provides an opportunity to consolidate, together with other civil activists – peacekeepers, influence the governments of various countries and international processes with the aim of ending wars, restoring peace and strengthening security throughout the world.

A draft resolution of the UN Security Council has been developed to create this International Institution.

To justify this initiative, the following Appeal has been prepared for the commanders of military units, parts, and formations of the armed forces of Ukraine and Russia directly conducting combat operations, with a proposal to send reports to the higher command on the inexpediency of conducting combat operations and to submit copies of them.

Copies of the reports will be attached as justification and sent together with the Draft Resolution to the UN bodies to initiate an emergency extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council, at which Ukraine and Russia will be asked to implement a temporary cessation of hostilities until the start of the negotiation process.


Due to the possibility of participation in the work of the UN Security Council only by representatives of states in accordance with the regulations

I, Stepan Petrov, as the initiator, will initially send this initiative (the UN Security Council Draft Resolution and copies of reports on the inexpediency of conducting military operations) to the UN bodies that coordinate and regulate the activities of my Non-Governmental Organization in Special Consultative Status in accordance with Resolution 1996/31 proposing:

— submit this initiative to the UN Security Council for consideration;

— to request my participation in the Emergency Extraordinary Meeting of the UN Security Council as an expert consultant and recognized representative of international civil society — Ambassador of Global Peace.

I consider the participation of representatives of international civil society in the meeting of the UN Security Council to be justified in view of:

— situational exhaustion of the UN Security Council’s capabilities to end the war between Ukraine and Russia;

— the need to include all capable actors, including representatives of civil society, in the peacekeeping process.

I am convinced that this critical situation requires taking any possible measures to end the war between Ukraine and Russia, since there is a real threat of escalation of the conflict with the involvement of other countries and the use of nuclear weapons, which will lead to global catastrophic consequences for the entire world and humanity.

During the preparation of the Emergency Extraordinary Meeting of the UN Security Council, I will announce that the proposal addressed to Ukraine and Russia to implement a Temporary Ceasefire until the start of the negotiation process should be expressed by the Chairman of the UN Security Council and supported by all interested states – members of the UN Security Council.


I, Stepan Petrov, am ready to become Special Representative in Zone of Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia – Guarantor of the Ceasefire.

The draft UN Security Council Resolution establishes that the Special Representative will be in the zone of armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia from 00:00 on a specific date (day, month, year) until the start of the negotiation process at the level of the political leadership of Ukraine and Russia.


The main goal of the Special Representative is to exercise “manual control” over the observance of the ceasefire regime in direct contact and interaction :

— with authorized representatives of the political leadership of the USA, Canada, EU countries, Great Britain in order to contain the military activity of Ukraine;

— with authorized representatives of the political leadership of China, Turkey, India, Hungary, Qatar, Saudi Arabia in order to contain military activity of Russia.

The main functions of the Special Representative:

-exerting influence with the aim of achieving a ceasefire in cooperation with the Authorized Representatives of the political leadership of various countries;

-resolution of conflict situations between the parties and their separation from each other at a safe distance along the front line;

-assistance in the exchange of prisoners of war, repatriation of bodies and remains of the dead;

-support for the activities of authorized international bodies at high-risk facilities;

-implementation of humanitarian activities;

-management of monitoring groups.

-post-conflict peace restoration.


The Special Representative reports to the UN Security Council on the emergence of a threat of escalation of the conflict with the involvement of other countries and the use of nuclear weapons, as well as the build-up of military activity that could entail such a threat, and presents his proposals for its elimination.

At the suggestion of the Special Representative, in the event of an escalation of the situation, the UN Security Council shall consider the issue of implementing remote influence on technological facilities of both sides used for conducting military operations, using the Internet and the near-earth orbital group of spacecraft belonging to UN member countries, as well as taking other emergency measures in order to prevent global catastrophic consequences for the entire world.


After the end of an armed conflict, the Special Representative assists in resolving territorial issues within the framework of international law and in order to prevent the recurrence of armed conflict.

The Special Representative also provides assistance in both countries to ensure post-conflict observance of citizens’ rights and to bring the legal framework and law enforcement practices into line with international law.


I, Stepan Petrov, am ready:

-arrive in New York, USA to participate in the Emergency Extraordinary Meeting of the UN Security Council;

-present the initiative and propose my candidacy for the position of Special Representative.


* * * * *



of Ambassador of Global Peace Stepan Petrov 

to direct participants in the armed conflict — commanders of military units, parts, formations of Armed Forces of Ukraine and Russia


I, Stepan Petrov, Ambassador of Global Peace, Head of the Subject of International Law – Non-Governmental Organization “Yakutia – Our Opinion”

appeal to the participants in the armed conflict — commanders of military units, parts, formations of armed forces of Ukraine and Russia, which are directly conducting military operations.


Earlier, the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia expressed their intentions to hold negotiations.

The possibility of starting the negotiation process is associated with the inauguration of the US President after January 20, 2025.

The American side announced the possibility of starting negotiations within 3-6 months after this date.

Since the war began on February 24, 2022, a large number of people have died on both sides.

Most likely, until negotiations between Ukraine and Russia begin, the war will continue.

This means that people will die in large numbers.


In order to avoid loss of life before the start of the negotiation process, I have proposed implementing a temporary cessation of hostilities.

To this end, I put forward the initiative to establish an International Institution: Special Representative in Zone of Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia – Guarantor of the Ceasefire.



I appeal to Russian commanders.


Russian military correspondents and bloggers, who are not interested in presenting false information, talk about the difficult situation at the front.

They report the mass use of «meat assault» tactics, when servicemen are sent into a frontal assault on well-fortified defensive structures without the support of armored vehicles, artillery preparation, demining and reconnaissance in conditions of dense artillery and mortar shelling, intensive dropping of ammunition from drones, and a mass attack by kamikaze drones. And behind them are blocking detachments that shoot at retreating soldiers.

At the same time, commanders say outright that there will be no evacuation. And the wounded must evacuate themselves. As a result, it turns out that any injury that prevents a serviceman from moving independently condemns him to death, which contradicts the stated principle of «We don’t abandon our own.»

There are a lot of video materials on the Internet confirming the use of «meat assaults». This is reported by the servicemen themselves and their relatives in video messages posted on the Internet.

Entire units of Russian military personnel refuse to carry out orders that lead to mass deaths.

The result of the «meat assaults» was the mass death of unprepared Russian citizens, most of whom were forcibly mobilized. Instead of a peaceful life, they suddenly found themselves in the hellish heat of war against their will.

This is no longer a war, but simply a massacre.


Wounded soldiers, people with severe chronic diseases, disabled people, and people of retirement age are sent to the front and further into the “meat assaults”.

A notable case is that of a Russian soldier with wounds and a broken leg, who, without receiving proper treatment and rehabilitation, refused to fight.

According to a relative, in retaliation for this, his commanders broke his crutches and cane and forced him to storm.

The question arises: How should military personnel who cannot move normally on broken legs carry out assault actions: jump on one leg or crawl on their bellies?

It is obvious that from the point of view of military science, forcing people who are objectively physically incapable of fighting has no rational justification. A priori, the wounded, disabled, and pensioners are incapable of conducting effective combat operations.


I can assume that the relatives and friends of the servicemen whom you, Russian commanders, have sent and are sending into “meat assaults,” have cursed and are cursing you.

Russian bloggers gave an apt description of the goal of the “meat assaults” – “to catch ammunition with bodies.”

You need to remember that when your subordinates are no longer there, you too may be sent on “meat assaults”.

You, the commanders themselves, will be “sent to meat” and forced to “catch ammunition with your commanding officer bodies.”

And this will be to a certain extent fair and natural.

This will correspond to the theses “Treat people the way you want them to treat you”, “Don’t do to others what you don’t want done to yourself”.

And the death of you, commanders, in the “meat assaults” will be the logical outcome of this action.

In this regard, I suggest that you stop taking sin on your soul.

And write reports on the inexpediency of conducting military operations.


At the same time, the following questions arise.

In which orders and instructions of the Ministry of Defense is the tactic of conducting military operations using the “meat assault” method approved?

What documents describe the formation of barrier detachments that shoot retreating soldiers?

Is the lack of evacuation of the wounded already the norm for the Russian army?

There are also many other questions on various aspects of this conflict.


The SVO is compared to the Great Patriotic War.

At that time, the entire Soviet people took part in it, including relatives and friends of the country’s leadership.

For example, Joseph Stalin’s son Vasily met the war in June 1941 as an inspector-pilot of the 2nd department of the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Forces. He fought on the Stalingrad and Northwestern Fronts as part of the aviation troops.

Vasily Stalin commanded the 1st Special Air Group of the 8th Air Army of the Stalingrad Front, the 32nd Fighter Aviation Regiment, the 3rd Guards Aviation Division, and the 286th Aviation Division of the 16th Air Army of the 1st Belorussian Front.

Stalin’s other son, Yakov, held the post of commander of the 6th artillery battery of the 14th howitzer regiment of the 14th tank division of the 7th mechanized corps of the 20th army of the Western Front at the beginning of the war. On July 4, 1941, his unit was surrounded during the Battle of Vitebsk. On July 16, 1941, Yakov Stalin was captured and on April 14, 1943, he died in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Question: Who among the relatives and friends of the country’s leadership is fighting in the SVO?


Next, we will compare some facts about the current situation in Russia and the times of the Great Patriotic War.

And let’s ask ourselves questions about this.


1.) Russia has made a significant investment in the US economy by purchasing US Treasury bonds before the 2022 war. As of March 2019, Russia’s total investment was $13.7 billion.


Can one imagine that in the 1930s the government of the USSR would have actively invested in the economy of pre-war Germany, including by acquiring its securities, building up its military potential, which would then have fallen upon the USSR?

Why did Russia, unlike the USSR, invest money in the economies of hostile countries?

2.) Mass acquisition of US citizenship and citizenship of friendly Western countries by federal officials and Russian deputies before the war of 2022.


Can one imagine that in the 1930s, members of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the People’s Commissariat of Defense, deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and representatives of other Soviet party bodies would have traveled to Nazi Germany to receive treatment, obtain citizenship, acquire real estate and settle their families there?

Why do Russian officials and deputies, unlike officials and deputies of the USSR, prefer to live and have citizenship in countries of the hostile West?

Can one imagine that before World War II, Soviet leaders would cynically tell the Soviet people how good it was to live in the country of the Soviets, while having all the vital infrastructure in Nazi Germany?

As they say in the 21st century, modern officials and deputies of Russia, having foreign citizenship and real estate, whose families permanently reside in countries that are presented as potential enemies with which the Third World War may soon begin.

Such cynicism and hypocrisy as we see now was not seen even during the most difficult times of Soviet repressions of the last century.


3.) Entry into the management bodies of the largest strategic companies in Russia with state participation of citizens of hostile countries of the collective West before the war of 2022.

For example, the Board of Directors of PJSC NK Rosneft included:

-Gerhard Schröder, Chairman of the Council, former Federal Chancellor of Germany;

-Matthias Warnig, Deputy Chairman of the Council, Executive Director of Nord Stream 2 AG (Switzerland);

-Robert Dudley, Member of the Board of Directors, former head of TNK-BP Management;

-Hans-Jörg Rudloff, Member of the Board of Directors, President of ABD Capital Eastern Europe SA.

Before the war, many of Russia’s strategic enterprises that extract natural resources and are of budget-forming importance were owned by offshore companies and managed from foreign countries.


Is it possible to imagine that before the war in the 1930s, representatives of the fascist Third Reich would have been in the management of leading factories and plants, advanced construction projects in the USSR, and would have managed Soviet enterprises from Berlin?

Why, unlike Soviet factories, plants and advanced construction sites, did the management of Russia’s largest strategic companies include representatives of business and political leadership from hostile countries of the collective West?


Thus, until the start of the war in 2022, the economy and financial system of Russia was closely linked to the economies and financial systems of the hostile collective West — the USA and the countries of Western Europe.

This makes statements about “Western hostility towards Russia” inappropriate.

Otherwise, it is impossible to rationally and logically explain such a level of interaction with hostile countries with which a war could begin.

Because if the US and Western European countries were a threat to Russia, they would not be Russia’s strategic partners in the economy.

The above facts indicate the absence of serious contradictions and conflicts between Russia and the countries of the collective West before the war of 2022.


Otherwise, a natural question arises.

Why cooperate and invest significant funds in the economies of hostile countries and the NATO bloc if they had and have hostile plans against Russia?

Why should Russia cooperate with its enemies and give money to its enemies?

Everyone can ask themselves this question at the everyday level of relationships.

Would you lend money to your personal enemy?

Most likely not.


However, even now Russia cooperates with hostile countries of the collective West.

1.) Until the beginning of 2025, Russian gas regularly transited through Ukraine to Europe.

2.) Despite the ban on financial transactions with Russia, hostile countries regularly transfer funds to Russia for Russian fertilizers supplied abroad.

3.) Most embassies and consulates of hostile countries operate in Russia.

4.) Despite the ban on cooperation with Russia, hostile countries are carrying out cooperation in the nuclear industry as normal.

Question: Why does Russia, during a war, conduct business relations (supply gas, fertilizers, cooperate in the nuclear industry, foreign embassies operate) with countries with which a direct armed conflict – war – could occur?


As you can see, the current situation raises more questions than answers.

During the Great Patriotic War, there was a complete exclusion of any relations with Germany and its allies.

However, Russia, unlike the USSR, has business relations in some areas with hostile countries of the collective West.

Therefore, I propose to draw the appropriate conclusions.



Appeal to Ukrainian and Russian commanders


I, Stepan Petrov, address the commanders of squads, platoons, companies, battalions, regiments, brigades, divisions, corps, army commanders, commanders of other units, parts and formations of all types of armed forces of Ukraine and Russia, conducting combat operations.


Your military units, parts and formations are directly conducting combat operations.

People die every day.

But someday negotiations will begin.


Before the negotiations begin, the political leadership of your countries may be inclined to continue military action in order to gain more advantageous negotiating positions.

The war may last another 3,5,6,7,8 months or longer than that.

And this will cost the deaths of a large number of people.


The politicians of your countries can wage this war endlessly, because it is not they, nor their relatives and loved ones, who are fighting and dying.

But you, as citizens of your countries, have the right to speak out for an end to the mass deaths of your fellow citizens.


In order to avoid loss of life before the start of the negotiation process, I have proposed implementing a temporary cessation of hostilities.

To this end, I put forward the initiative to establish an International Institution: Special Representative in Zone of Armed Conflict between Ukraine and Russia – Guarantor of the Ceasefire.

A draft resolution of the UN Security Council has been developed to establish this International Institution.

To justify this initiative, I have planned to present documents from direct participants in the military actions – copies of reports on the inexpediency of conducting military actions.

In this regard, I, Stepan Petrov, propose to you, Ukrainian and Russian commanders:

— write reports on the inexpediency of conducting military operations and send them to higher command;  

— provide me with scanned or photographed copies of the reports to the following e-mail post@ouropinion.pro or alternative e-mail post@yakutian.org.

One of the reasons for writing the report could be the high level of personnel losses.

Copies of the reports will be attached as a justification for the Initiative and sent together with the Draft Resolution to the UN bodies to initiate an emergency extraordinary meeting of the UN Security Council, at which Ukraine and Russia will be asked to implement a temporary cessation of hostilities until the start of the negotiation process.


For all questions, you can call me in the Signal app +7(914)224-24-11.

You can call 24/7 at any time.

Send a message 15-20 minutes before the call to identify yourself and prioritize the call.

Message for Ukrainian commanders: «This is the commander of the Ukrainian Army.»

Message to Russian commanders: «This is the commander of the Russian Army.»

If there is no response, a call back will be made within 24 hours.

You can also specify the most convenient method of communication for you in an email message.

Confidentiality and non-disclosure of information are guaranteed.


The draft Resolution provides for the arrival of the Special Representative in the zone of armed conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and his stay there until the start of the negotiation process at the level of the political leadership of Ukraine and Russia.

The main goal of the Special Representative is to exercise “manual control” over the observance of the ceasefire regime in direct contact and interaction with all interested parties.

I or another person appointed to this position will be in the zone of armed conflict as a Guarantor of the ceasefire until the start of the negotiation process at the level of the political leadership. 

I guarantee that if I am appointed to this position, I will remain in the zone of armed conflict until a political decision is made to withdraw your units, parts and formations from combat positions.


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