Head of the Subject of International Law –

Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» Stepan Petrov addressed the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia









Sequence numbers are indicated in accordance with

the registry of foreign agents of the Ministry of Justice of Russia


The war in Ukraine, initiated by Russia, continues.

It led to a number of catastrophic consequences.

First of all, people are dying en masse.

The war must be stopped.


In this regard, I, Stepan Petrov, as independent civil activist and head of the Subject of International Law, directly addressed the heads of the countries participating in the armed conflict — the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia with a proposal to stop hostilities and start peace negotiations.

My status as the head of the Subject of International Law is, in some respects, equivalent to the status of the heads of other Subjects of International Law, which are also the Heads of States, including the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia.

Below is the text of the appeal.


* * * * *


President of Ukraine

Zelensky V.A.


Copy to:


Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

Danilov A.M.


Minister of Defense of Ukraine

Reznikov A.Yu.


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Kuleba D.I.


Head of the diplomatic mission

of Ukraine in Geneva

Filipenko E.I.


of Russian Federation Putin V.V.


Copy to:


Secretary of the Security Council

of Russian Federation

Patrushev N.P.


Minister of Defense

of Russian Federation Shoigu S.K.


Minister of Foreign Affairs

of Russian Federation Lavrov S.V.


Head of the diplomatic mission

of Russian Federation in Geneva

Gatilov G.M.


The war in Ukraine, initiated by Russia, continues.


I express my sympathy to all the victims of this war.

I mourn for all those who died.


A similar appeal was sent to the head of the opposite side.

Therefore, I address both presidents at once.


Mr. Presidents of Ukraine and Russia !


I, Stepan Petrov, address You as the head of the Subject of International Law.

You are also heads of the Subjects of International Law.

In some respects, our statuses are equal.


I propose to stop hostilities and start peace negotiations.


It is stated in the Constitutions of your countries that Human, his life, rights and freedoms are the highest value. Their observance is recognized as the duty of the state.

The right to life is also enshrined.

And You, as Presidents who took an oath on the Constitution, are obliged to observe the basic law of your country.


Constitution of Ukraine

Article 3. Human, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized as the highest social value in Ukraine.

Affirmation and provision of human rights and freedoms is the main duty of the state.

Article 27. Every human has an inalienable right to life.


Constitution of Russia

Article 2

Human, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of human and citizen is the duty of the state.

Article 20

  1. Everyone has the right to life.


The right to life is also guaranteed by article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


However, the ongoing war takes people’s lives, which violates the basic right to life guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Constitution of Ukraine and the Constitution of Russia.

Therefore, in order to respect the basic human right to life, war must be stopped.

I call on you, Mr. Presidents of Ukraine and Russia, as guarantors of the rights of citizens to fulfill your basic constitutional duties.


I, Stepan Petrov, as an independent civil activist, the head of the Subject of International Law and just as a human, stand up for the right to life of other people living in Ukraine and Russia.


Human life can be controlled only by human himself.

And no one else, not even the president.

But now you have begun to dispose of what you do not have the right to dispose of.

You have no right to dispose of the lives of people, forcing them to mobilize for war against their will.

To participate in wars, there is a regular army, consisting of professional military personnel, as well as volunteers.

However, in both countries there is a practice of involuntary recruitment into the ranks of the armed forces under the threat of criminal and other types of prosecution.

Especially in Russia, after the destruction of a significant part of the professional military, the practice of mass forcible mobilization of civilians and mobilization by deception began to be applied.

On the Internet, mobilized Russians from different regions themselves talk about what is happening, recording collective video messages.

In Russia, people are involved in the war fraudulently, allegedly in the territorial defense to protect various objects. But upon arrival at the front, most rush to the front line as stormtroopers.

Many, due to their age and state of health, objectively cannot participate in storm operations. At the recruiting stations, medical examinations are often not carried out properly, and people with severe chronic diseases and the disabled, as well as people of retirement age, go to the front.

Russian soldiers are often not granted leave and their stay at the front is indefinite. Those who disagree with the order to go to the slaughter or with a refusal to provide legal leave are subjected to torture, forcibly placed in earthen pits and basements.

Some do not even have guns and any weapons. They are forced to dig trenches and dugouts at the forefront. They are under crossfire and are killed by mortar and artillery attacks from both the enemy and their Russian side, meeting their death with shovels.

Being in almost slavish position, the mobilized citizens and military personnel of Russia are forced to fight virtually until their death.

All this is confirmed in numerous videos on the Internet.

The mobilized Russians are going to storm the well-fortified Ukrainian positions without artillery preparation, support of heavy military equipment and preliminary demining. And behind are barrage detachments that shoot the retreating soldiers.

The result of this was the mass death of unprepared Russian citizens at the forefront. This has already received the common name «meat assaults».

The surviving Russians find themselves among a mass of mutilated corpses with severed limbs, who are not taken out of the battlefield. Tokens are removed from the dead so that they are not identified. The wounded are left to die or finished off by other Russian soldiers.

According to some testimonies, mobile crematoria operate, possibly for the disposal of the corpses of the military in order to conceal losses. This, coupled with leaving the dead on the battlefield, reduces the statistics of casualties and massively gives the dead Russian  military the status of “missing”, when no payments from the state budget need to be made.

This is no longer a war in which the chances of survival depend on the skills of a soldier and where the wounded are entitled to medical care, and the dead are properly buried.

This is just a mass senseless destruction of Russians, which is confirmed even by Russian patriots. This is just a cruel massacre, when still alive wounded Russian military, prepared for evacuation and lying on the road, so as not to provide medical assistance and hide losses, are deliberately driven by a truck in order to crush them to death or finish them off in some other way.

Or when valuables are taken from a seriously wounded soldier, shoes and a headset are removed. The wounded man tries to resist, but he is pushed away and kicked. And the Russian marauding soldiers calmly move on, having robbed and left their “comrade-in-arms” to die. A drone video confirming the looting of Russian military personnel against their own colleague is presented on the Internet.

All this testifies to the moral and psychological state of the Russians at the front.

Russian generals also talk about senseless losses in critical appeals, for which they are removed from command.

Whole units of Russian military refuse to carry out orders leading to mass death.

According to independent estimates, daily losses on the part of Russia can be up to several hundred killed, and on some days reach up to one thousand people.

Most Russian citizens want to live peacefully and do creative work.

But instead of a peaceful life with their family, the mass of Russians, against their will, ended up in the hellish hell of war.


As a result, the power of the presidents who allowed the war is being delegitimized, discredited and depreciated every day, which claims tens and hundreds of lives.

At the moment, the number of deaths on both sides in this war exceeds several hundred thousand dead.

Taking into account the total number of victims of the war, the power of the presidents has been depreciated by more than a million times.


Mr. Presidents of Ukraine and Russia !


Citizens of your countries chose you to develop their countries and create favorable conditions for people.

And not so that, in particular, the leadership of Russia unleashed a war and forcibly sent people to be slaughtered.

And so that as a result of its being in power, people in the neighboring country get ruins and post-war devastation, and in their own country — poverty and external isolation.

In general, the heads of both states had enough time to resolve all issues peacefully.

Already after the start of the war, the Chinese, Indonesian and African plans were rejected. Interaction in the format of the Minsk agreements was recognized as unacceptable.

But we need to look for other ways to resolve the conflict.

Previously, any negotiation platforms in the world were available to you.

Until the last moment, the Presidents of different countries and the Heads of international organizations came to both presidents with a proposal for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

By common efforts it was possible to avoid war.

I am sure that before February 24, 2022, most of the population of your countries was against the war and for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

But the beginning of the war brought two kindred peoples head to head.

You, the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia, have chosen the path of extermination of your peoples, plunging the population of your countries into a humanitarian catastrophe.


Read the words of a worthy man, citizen and senior officer Alexander Lebed, who towards the end of his life realized the value of human life and correctly concluded that it was expedient to wage any war.

“I am against war. Have you ever had to fulfill your “international duty”? I was fulfilled. And I realized three things.

First: that any war is first a dead end, then a catastrophe.

Second: all wars, even if they are centuries-old wars, end in one thing — negotiations and peace.

For me, the question arose long ago: is it worth rewarding a mountain of the dead, spawning widows, orphans, cripples, throwing away the work of dozens of generations to ashes in order to sit down and agree later anyway?

Maybe this uncivilized part should be excluded altogether?”


But instead of a peaceful way of resolving the issue, you chose an uncivilized way, which is simply unacceptable in the 21st century.


You are like two little quarrelsome, capricious children who need to be begged to stop the quarrel.

For almost ten years, the heads of foreign states and international organizations, instead of minding their own business, came to you and begged you, like little children, to resolve the issue peacefully.

Only the result of a childish quarrel can be a broken toy or a ruined sand house.

The result of your conflict was the death of a large number of people.


I have a couple of questions for you.

How much do you, Mr. Presidents of Ukraine and Russia, need to destroy hundreds of thousands and millions of citizens of their countries in the heat of war, so that you can play enough of your geopolitical games?

After the destruction of hundreds of thousands and millions of citizens of your countries, how are you going to govern in your country, in which almost every family has been affected by the war, how will people treat you and what will be the meaning of being in power?

It must be remembered that it is impossible to stay in power indefinitely, taking the lives of the citizens of your country into the furnace of war.

You simply lose the legitimacy of your power and any rational common sense of being in power.


I, Stepan Petrov, demand that you end the war.


If the war does not stop, then I, as the head of the Subject of International Law, will insist on the removal of both countries from participation and influence on decision-making in the UN Security Council, as well as on the adoption of other measures provided for by the UN Charter.

This will be announced, including at the events of the UN General Assembly.


If you, the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia, do not stop the war,

then, on the basis of Article 42 of the UN Charter, I, Stepan Petrov will offer to consider the issue of introducing international security forces into the territory of the armed conflict to restore peace.

Someone must take responsibility for what is happening and stop this whole mess almost in the center of Europe.


To avoid this, I propose to accept my proposal for a peaceful settlement of the armed conflict.


If you, the heads of the Subjects of International Law — the Presidents of Ukraine and Russia are unable to resolve the conflict peacefully,

then present such an opportunity to me, Stepan Petrov, the head of another Subject of International Law — the Non-Governmental Organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

I guarantee objective and impartial mediation and assistance.


Mr. Presidents of Ukraine and Russia !


Based on the foregoing, I suggest that you submit as soon as possible:

1.) prerequisites for starting peace negotiations;

2.) expanded initial negotiating position;

3.) contact details of authorized officials;

4.) other information necessary to analyze the situation and develop a solution to the problem;

5.) the name of the foreign state suitable for conducting peace negotiations.


I present contacts for interaction.

Phone +7 (914) 224-24-11.

This number can be contacted via WhatsApp, Telegram.

Email post@ouropinion.pro.





1.) 53 SESSION OF THE UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL : Chief of the Subject of International Law – Non-governmental organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» Stepan Petrov stated against the war in Ukraine, called on civil society of Russia to oppose the war and declared his readiness to become a peacemaker

Available electronically at http://ouropinion.pro/?page_id=428


2.) The official position of the Subject of International Law — the Non-Governmental Organization «Yakutia — Our Opinion» on the situation in Ukraine

Available electronically at http://ouropinion.pro/?page_id=398


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